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Following the tragic death of Professor Bernard Quatermass in 1980, a schism within the British Experimental Rocket Group (B.E.R.G.) resulted in the formation of a branch, staffed by those who believed that the Government had failed to support modern cultural developments in much the same way that they earlier failed to provide leadership in the area of space research. Additional secret research facilities were created to allow diversification into the field of electronically generated synthetic sounds for experimentation, communication and 'musical' composition.

With the recent return to popularity of 'retro' electronic sounds, The Committee For Sonic Research are pleased to have secured exclusive access to many of the sonic experiments and synthetic compositions filed in the BERG archives, covering a period spanning more than 30 years. The archives are stored at a number of locations. Whilst the main site is a well organised controlled environment, some archive material remains in 'cold storage' on a variety of media in a range of locations. With their kind permission (and some maps), selected tracks and recovered excerpts are being made publicly available for the first time.

Due to the secretive creation of much of this audio and the possibility that in some cases official resources were repurposed, representitives of BERG Culture have agreed to publication of these volumes on condition that no information is provided that can be used to reveal the individuals involved.

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